TN: ‘Disturbing’ recordings from inside child-predator sting shows police, MAGA operatives ignoring laws

Source: 7/16/24

Recordings show police discussing luring predator suspect to a jurisdiction where he may not leave the jail alive

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — What happens when you give people with bizarre conspiracy theories a gun and a badge?

Secret recordings from inside the troubled Millersville Police Department provide a sobering answer to that question.

Those recordings — obtained from what was supposed to be a sting operation to nab sexual predators who prey on innocent children — show that, in their zeal to make some big cases, Millersville’s conspiracy-minded cops may have crossed the line of what’s legal.

That sting was run back in May by Millersville Assistant Police Chief Shawn Taylor and a colorful cast of characters he assembled for the operation.

Among the revelations, the recordings show:

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These aren’t cops, this is just some kind of whacko MAGA Conspiracy Cult! Planning an in custody murder…I wonder how may others have died in custody? I also wonder if this is the only “Police Farce” that is serving as a cover story for other MAGA Conspiracy Cults?

Any legitimate response to this would not only see charges against everyone involved, but also create automatic appeals for everyone convicted as a result of their arrests. Appeals, at least, if not overturning the convictions, and barring any “evidence” that came from them from being used in a retrial.

How can any evidence and/or testimony from any of these people still be considered valid after this? Also, how can any evidence from any of these “Private Sting” groups be taken seriously? They thought a camp for homeless families was a “Trafficking center” that “Liberal Elites” were flying children into! How can ANYONE take ANYTHING people this UNHINGED said seriously?

The inmates have been running the asylum for a while now…they’ve simply gotten a lot more blatant and bold about it because everyone is buying into their twisted version of reality, and they’ve wormed their way into positions of considerable authority.

Of course, that’s not very difficult to accomplish, when all one has to do is claim that they’re “going after the “sexual predators/undesirables”, and immediatly gain massive support from many “like minded” individuals, while at the same time feeding their grandoise delusions.

Then, of course, everything these days has to somehow devolve into a political/”racial” issue, which only adds fuel to the fire, and causes further division and extremism that one group or another will always use to their advantage.

So maybe at the moment what these numbskulls did won’t hold up in court…but that will eventually change when this sort of thing becomes the rule, not the exception, and nobody else except these types of whack job zealots are in charge of everything

So, if you dig down even a little bit, you find that the founder of “Veterans For Child Rescue,” Craig “Sawman” Sawyer, is totally MAGA and a supporter of the current Republican candidate, a pal of Qanon nut, Mike Flynn and a past guest on Alex Jones’s Infowars and, of course, a fundamentalist/evangelical. Among his group are parents who beat their kids. In other words, the only “abuse” they care about is “sexual abuse.” This is the kind of person who runs these vigilante organizations. These are the hyper-testosterone infused guys who would have no problem committing acts of violence against their perceived enemies even if it means breaking the law. “Shawn” Taylor, the cop, is also an ardent Qanon fantasist who thinks that Democrats are “evil ped***.” This should hardly come as any surprise. I’m only surprised that a local t.v. station did a really commendable job reporting on it and bringing this depravity to light.

“A search warrant cannot be pre-signed,” Leonardo said. “You have to see what’s going on, and you have to put that into a warrant, and you have to swear to that individually in front of a judge — and that becomes the probable cause.”

They don’t know that. Let them hillbillies hang themselves with their own stupidity

Last edited 7 months ago by Doc Martin

This is only going to get worse. The agenda and rhetoric around crime, policing, and punishment has emboldened people to the extreme. Add to the mix the fact that our courts are politicized and no one is upholding basic principles of the law, and we get a dangerous moblike mentality that is encouraged by half this country. Throw in PFRs, who in the mind of these people are all extremely dangerous **** who do nothing but plot to [do harm to] children all day.

“What happens when you give people with bizarre conspiracy theories a gun?” We just saw it the other day in Butler PA. […] People who do crimes and abuse others are not a particular political party, race, or gender. One thing I learned from being incarcerated for 5 years is that those who are pointing the finger and shouting the loudest inevitably, given enough time, would be revealed as having done something equally offensive, be it a sex offense, being an informant or giving up information on other people. So I would almost guarantee that the people that have a need to slant this article to blame a certain group probably have something they are trying to distract from others, as is the case with most of these people obsessed with entrapping people on the internet. That in itself should not be legal. If I mailed drugs out to people and then waited for them to check their mail and then called police to tell them I know a person has drugs seems like something that shouldn’t be legal. I can’t stand these self righteous vigilantes.

This group does not chase drug dealers or gang members because those people shoot first without any questions being asked. Talk about terrorists hitting soft targets…so does law enforcement in a lot of jurisdictions so the numbers look good for voters without actually deterring real crime.